Understanding the Differences Between a Barrister and a Criminal Solicitor in London

Understand the differences between a barrister & criminal solicitor in London. Learn about their roles & responsibilities & how to select the right lawyer for your case.

Understanding the Differences Between a Barrister and a Criminal Solicitor in London

When it comes to legal matters, it is important to understand the differences between a barrister and a criminal solicitor in London. Both are qualified legal professionals, but they have different roles and responsibilities. It is important to understand the differences between the two so that you can make an informed decision when selecting a lawyer for your case.


A barrister is a qualified lawyer who has been admitted to practice law in England and Wales. Barristers are independent legal professionals who specialize in advocacy and represent clients in court.

They are experts in their field and are often consulted by solicitors for advice on complex legal matters. Barristers are also responsible for drafting legal documents, such as pleadings, and providing advice on legal issues.

Criminal Solicitor

A criminal solicitor is a qualified lawyer who has been admitted to practice law in England and Wales. Criminal solicitors specialize in criminal law and represent clients who have been charged with a criminal offence. They are responsible for providing advice on the merits of the case, preparing legal documents, representing clients in court, and negotiating with prosecutors.

Criminal solicitors also provide advice on sentencing options and can assist with appeals.

Differences Between a Barrister and a Criminal Solicitor

The main difference between a barrister and a criminal solicitor is that barristers specialize in advocacy while criminal solicitors specialize in criminal law. Barristers are independent legal professionals who represent clients in court, while criminal solicitors provide advice on the merits of the case, prepare legal documents, represent clients in court, and negotiate with prosecutors. Another difference between barristers and criminal solicitors is that barristers are not allowed to accept instructions directly from clients. Instead, they must be instructed by a solicitor or another qualified lawyer. On the other hand, criminal solicitors can accept instructions directly from clients. Barristers are also more expensive than criminal solicitors because they charge higher fees for their services.

This is because barristers have more experience and expertise than criminal solicitors.


It is important to understand the differences between a barrister and a criminal solicitor in London so that you can make an informed decision when selecting a lawyer for your case. Barristers specialize in advocacy while criminal solicitors specialize in criminal law. Barristers are independent legal professionals who represent clients in court, while criminal solicitors provide advice on the merits of the case, prepare legal documents, represent clients in court, and negotiate with prosecutors. Barristers are also more expensive than criminal solicitors because they charge higher fees for their services.

Kirsten Thompson
Kirsten Thompson

Social media junkie. Devoted bacon guru. General music buff. Web buff. Friendly bacon advocate.

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